17 July, 2011

A free gun

So looking around the internet I stumbled upon some rather nice models that people have donated to the public.  This one caught my eye and I think it would be useful as the pistol for both workers and scouts.  At any rate I think it would make a nice addition to the game.  I'll have to keep my eyes open to see if there are any more models that would be of use.  I found this on Blender Cookie if anyone is interested

1 comment:

  1. Pistol?!? I think that looks a tad larger than a pistol. It's got a nice design, but it sets a high standard for other weapons, and the level of detail may be a bit high depending on the rest of your game. I'd consider drafting your own variation, basing it off this design but keeping the polygon count low and the detail level consistent with your other ideas.
