The classes are not going to be permanent and in fact playing the different types of classes is encouraged. Each class has distinct purposes and players will be able to develop the abilities of each as they play the game. I have a vision of a Tron-like or simple robot appearance with lines of whatever color their team or faction covering their body like a moderately skin tight suit that can never be removed. Because damage can occur to any one given body part then when that part that is damaged will become a darker, duller color until it is unusable. If additional hits are made to the already disabled part of the body then damage will go to the core which is comprised of head and torso. If the core is damaged sufficiently then the player will become totally frozen and will start a count down timer to respawn. It will be possible for other players to revive frozen comrades with either items that are carried or abilities. All characters will have the ability to gather materials similar to the gathering in minecraft, though the amount they can carry will be determined by their class.
The classes are as follows
Soldier – Biggest class at 1.9 units tall with athletic build. Basic fighter with moderate amounts of both health and defense with starting loadout of medium strength weaponry, both melee and ranged. These will be the main fighting units in the game. The soldier backpack is a 6 hexagon column in the middle with 5 hexagon column then a 4 hexagon column on each side equalling 24 slots altogether. If a player wishes to use specialized weaponry they will need to play and train as a soldier.

Scout – smallest class at 1.2 units tall with slender build. Faster class with decreased health and armor, but at higher levels of proficiency will have stealth. Used for recon and limited fighting. The scout backpack starts with a 6 hexagon column with 5 hexagon on each side for a total of 16 slots altogether. Players wishing to utilize stealth and agility based upgrades like speed run and jump boost will need to play and train as a scout. Scouts will also have the special ability to hack enemy equipment in order to first disable and then re enable for any players of their faction.

Builder – medium size class at 1.5 units tall with heavy build. Greatest amount of health and defense, but slower than the other classes. Builders will play an integral part in the game in that they will construct bases and teleport towers that will allow players to spawn and re-equip themselves. The builders pack is a six hexagon column with columns of 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 hexagons on each side for a total of 34. Builders will also be able to learn to heal other players, vehicles, and structures. An additional ability that will be exclusive to builders is the ability to burrow and dig through placed crafted materials in the game.

Commander – This position will be available to experienced and responsible players who have decided that they would like to be a part of the game leadership. Commanders will have an overhead view which is possible because of small camera aircraft which are vulnerable and can be taken out. After the craft has been destroyed they will need to use resources to create a new one. The main responsibilities of a commander are resource allocation, building direction, and battle direction. There will be many spots available for commanders as it will be an essential aspect of the game, but this position is one that must be earned and will not be available to all players. It is important to note that commanders won’t be able to place items like in single player RTS games. They will simply block out land for various usage by means of a spraypaint or wireframe placement system which only players of their faction can see. Commanders could then take the role of builder to place the items or remove extra or badly placed items. If in the event that voice chat is used commanders will be the only ones authorized an intercom voice which can be heard by all players of their faction in a given hexfield or even the whole server should the need arise, kind of like a state of the faction address or call to arms. I expect there to be a bit of politics which happens in any society based game.
As players play each of the classes and become proficient there will be opportunities for crossover. Some examples would include a player with both high soldier and high scout abilities will have access to a sniper loadout when they choose soldier or ninja loadout as a scout. Builder and soldier crossover could include mortar and demolitions. This will be way down the road though.
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The classes are as follows
Soldier – Biggest class at 1.9 units tall with athletic build. Basic fighter with moderate amounts of both health and defense with starting loadout of medium strength weaponry, both melee and ranged. These will be the main fighting units in the game. The soldier backpack is a 6 hexagon column in the middle with 5 hexagon column then a 4 hexagon column on each side equalling 24 slots altogether. If a player wishes to use specialized weaponry they will need to play and train as a soldier.
Scout – smallest class at 1.2 units tall with slender build. Faster class with decreased health and armor, but at higher levels of proficiency will have stealth. Used for recon and limited fighting. The scout backpack starts with a 6 hexagon column with 5 hexagon on each side for a total of 16 slots altogether. Players wishing to utilize stealth and agility based upgrades like speed run and jump boost will need to play and train as a scout. Scouts will also have the special ability to hack enemy equipment in order to first disable and then re enable for any players of their faction.

Commander – This position will be available to experienced and responsible players who have decided that they would like to be a part of the game leadership. Commanders will have an overhead view which is possible because of small camera aircraft which are vulnerable and can be taken out. After the craft has been destroyed they will need to use resources to create a new one. The main responsibilities of a commander are resource allocation, building direction, and battle direction. There will be many spots available for commanders as it will be an essential aspect of the game, but this position is one that must be earned and will not be available to all players. It is important to note that commanders won’t be able to place items like in single player RTS games. They will simply block out land for various usage by means of a spraypaint or wireframe placement system which only players of their faction can see. Commanders could then take the role of builder to place the items or remove extra or badly placed items. If in the event that voice chat is used commanders will be the only ones authorized an intercom voice which can be heard by all players of their faction in a given hexfield or even the whole server should the need arise, kind of like a state of the faction address or call to arms. I expect there to be a bit of politics which happens in any society based game.
As players play each of the classes and become proficient there will be opportunities for crossover. Some examples would include a player with both high soldier and high scout abilities will have access to a sniper loadout when they choose soldier or ninja loadout as a scout. Builder and soldier crossover could include mortar and demolitions. This will be way down the road though.
Continue to a brief summary of the start>>