27 July, 2011

Vehicle and Structure Hit Points

Ok after determining vehicle configuration I had a thought about how to determine total hit points.  Because these structures and vehicles are going to be built from metal blocks, then the total hp of the vehicle or structure will be equal to the total number and type of blocks.  Depending on which raw materials one uses to construct the structure or vehicle the hp will vary.  So for example if someone were to collect 12 low quality iron, they could construct a small vehicle with each block contributing 25 hp each for a total of 300 hp.  Now if someone were to use high quality iron each block would have 75 hp each for a total of 900 hp.  Now there wouldn't be additional hp for high quality titanium or apoidium unless additional crafting has taken place.  There could be additional recipes for double density titanium and apoidium, as well as another recipe for quadruple density apoidium. So going back to our example if one were to use high quality quadruple density apoidium for the same vehicle each block would add 300 hp per block for a total of 3600 hp.  So while this would still be a risk it would be a much better investment in the long run, especially since builders/workers would be able to heal the hp back to full.  The same principles would apply for structure hp, meaning that taking the time to collect and refine the high quality ore will pay off in much more sturdy structures and vehicles.  I think that in the long run the faction that works together to make high end bases will be the victors.

1 comment:

  1. So this makes total destruction of the vehicles a bit harder, makes them more salvageable, and promotes their use. I like it.
