10 November, 2012

What I'm learning about programming

Ok I know I haven't posted for a while, but that is mainly because I haven't done a whole lot as far as this game is concerned.  School again is sucking up lots of time.  I am having what I think is an important understanding of something though.

Programming ,indeed all of computer science, is all about tackling problems and learning to teach oneself in order to tackle ever increasingly difficult problems.

I think that is why when I look at jobs in the world of gaming they always have the requirement of having shipped at least one title.  That is because an appropriate candidate will have proven that faced with problems they did not give up and run away, rather they figured out a way to make it work.  In my college experience I have railed at how it seems that I must teach myself, yet I think that is the actual goal of studying computer science and programming, to develop in students the ability to self teach and problem solve without the assistance of someone else.  Higher order thinking skills are really hard to pick up though, which is why when someone is able to show that yes they did have problems that were hard and yes they did solve them even when it wasn't fun that is says something about that person.

Which is why I need to kick myself in the rear and get to work overcoming some of these obstacles I keep running into.  I also need to remember that I can learn it little by little, step by step.  So now back to getting my homework done.

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