I was considering going back and editing older posts to reflect some changes in ideas that I have, but I have reconsidered since I would prefer that this blog outline the whole process and evolution of this game from beginning to end. That being said there may be some repeat posts coming up as I need to update certain aspects. The changes won't be particularly large, rather a refinement of previously discussed concepts.
As far as where I am in the process now, I am having to go back and relearn Blender after taking a break from it while in school. I'm finding that I understand quite a bit more about haw the program works now that I have taken linear algebra. I'm also reading Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics and I'm starting into OpenGL. I still have a lot to learn, and keeping up with all possible technologies is proving to be an overwhelming challenge, so I'm going to work to keep it as simple as I can at this point.
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