So each of the programming languages I'm currently studying are focusing on what is known as the object oriented paradigm, which basically breaks the program down into manageable bites or "objects" that all work together. In looking back at my design process so far I think I'm right on track for creating this type of program. It will still take a very long time to develop by myself, but I feel much more confident in being able to do it eventually. That being said going back to a traditional undergraduate learning environment has been pretty rough. My memory isn't what it used to be for one, and I'm especially struggling in discrete math which is rather abstract in the first place and is calling on previous math experience which the last time I took a math class was 1995. So while I recognize the challenge I'm not giving up.
Anyway what I will need to focus on is both data and behaviors that each aspect of the game will possess. Players will be the most complicated object as many of the behaviors will be taking direct input from the user, but it also going to be the most important since a game with no players isn't really a game. For now I will continue to work on simpler things like tri-blocks and simple structures.
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