23 April, 2012

The Troll Server

So I have been thinking a bit about what can be done to make sure people behave in this game as I want it to be family friendly, to the point where a 6 year old watching it won't pick up new and unwanted vocabulary, and also so that a parent watching the game over a teenagers shoulder won't see how someone in world chat is talking in depth about their latest adult experience.  So an idea that I have come up with is a

Troll Server

That's right, a server where there are basically no rules,  no censoring, just be as much of an offensive "pick and insert your term here" as you wish.  Now if someone does something worthy of getting sent to such a place and "didn't mean it", then they will have to show real remorse in some fashion to be able to return to the "civil" servers.

What this accomplishes is a way for all types of players to be able to play the game as they wish, and they can be around the type of people that they wish to be around.  Banning from playing doesn't really work, especially since they may be paying customers who we don't wish to alienate, and trolls often pride themselves on the number of times they are banned anyway.  Of course if people willingly wish to play in this server they will be allowed,  since that will make it all the easier to police them.  It will just have to have a disclaimer before players enter it.

Players could then decide as a collective as to what behaviors constitute a sentence of going to the Troll server. I ran it by a friend (Columba from Aion, Israphel Server) who is a self proclaimed professional troll and he loved the idea.  I think it could solve a lot of problems if other games were to adopt a similar type of system.  Now of course if someone has a complaint of some sort, all that has to be said is "Look, your in the Troll server.  If you don't like it, show us you can behave so you can be on a normal server".  It could have a 3 strike system, where after the third strike they have sealed their fate of ever not playing on a troll server.  That should keep a lot of people happy in multiple ways.

01 April, 2012


I had an interesting thought last night.  A craft-able item that could be placed is a mirror that allows shots fired by the placing faction to be reflected, yet opposing faction's shots would be absorbed as damage which when it becomes to much will break the mirror.  These mirrors could be hacked just as any other structure.  There would be both ceiling/floor types and wall types, which could be represented as two different recipes.  This will have to wait of course, but will make a nice addition after the basics of the game have been completely developed.